Hoofy Nay Nay
Meet ‘n Greet
Come enjoy the “Lil’ Hoofy Nay Nays” in person!
The meet ‘n Greet experience includes hands on interaction with the Hoofy Nay Nay book characters. Come enjoy getting to style the Hoofys and interact with them face to face!
The Hoofy Nay Nay Way
The Hoofy Nay Nays are
horses, mini in size;
The Ranch Hyatt Haven
is where they reside.
There are 8 in total,
and they like to play;
Rancher Dal is the human
caring for them each day.
Rancher Dal loves and teaches
them what they must do.
He teaches these lessons
at Hyatt Horse School.
While reading Grant's book
take the time to decide,
if a lesson was learned,
and then was applied.
Meet the “Lil’ Hoofy Nay Nays”